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GoodHumanBooks is committed to helping all children learn about important causes! Working with freepreschools.org we have identified 500 low income preschool, prekindergarten and kindergarten classes nationwide who would benefit from our books and activities. Our Featured Book and Author's Bundle is available at a discounted rate, including a Virtual Read Along for the class. These kids are ages 2-5 years old and excited to have us read to them and share our wonderful books. You can Gift a preschool bundle and we will send you a thank you from the class!


1 Board Book with Toy & Activity delivered to the Classroom so the kids can have at their school and read anytime. 1 Virtual Read Along with the Featured Author Activity & Workbook for Teacher

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Reggie Was A Veggie Bear was a positive book to read out loud, all rhyming and a great message that will help you talk about empathy and kindness and being vegetarian.

Great job at conveying being Vegetarian and Vegan means you are cool with everyone! We love Reggie!

Sturdy books made of board stand up to a few chews :)

Reggie Was A Veggie Bear was a positive book to read out loud, all rhyming and a great message that will help you talk about empathy and kindness and being vegetarian.

Great job at conveying being Vegetarian and Vegan means you are cool with everyone!- Love Reggie

We loved watching the animation on youtube, perfect for lunch or dinner time Ipad use! Educational & fun!